Online ISEB and CAT4 Pre-Tests – learn practice, succeed!

Online test success comes with familiarity and practice.

Using decades of experience teaching students in Hong Kong and China, we recognise that drilling is a key component of mastery.

Most 10 year old children have never taken standardised tests. If you are heading towards the ISEB CPT or CAT4, familiarity is key.

We have set up own bespoke platform to give you child as much practice as they need.

Pre-Quest – ace your ISEB and CAT4 pre-tests!

Pre-Quest offers all you need for your pre-test prep; English, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. 100s of questions, tests and feedback.

All Pre-Quest materials have been developed by us and are constantly updated.

We have seen amazing success with 100% of our students being invited to interview at their top five schools. Favourite schools for Pre-Quest users include: Westminster, St Paul’s, Eton, Winchester, Downe House, Wellington College, and Marlborough College.

Feedback is provided immediately,  students can track their own progress and parents can see reports and analysis.

See for yourself!

Join the success story and conquer your pre-test with Prequest! From US$90 per month.

Click here to find out: How to sign up for Pre-Quest

Pre-Quest - now avalable as a subscription from US$50/month